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Hands in the Soil


Come along to a talk, workshop or open day, volunteer, learn, discuss, and get involved!

Entwined Worlds talk

by Kate Roberts

Entwined Worlds is about the surprising connections between our health, soil health and planetary health. It is the start of a journey for everyone.

There is a soil version, a human health version, and a climate change version of the talk for you to choose from. They are fundamentally the same but differ in how much time is spent on each of these sections.

Look out for dates under the 'Upcoming events' tab, and posted on our Facebook group, or request a talk for your community group, club or a venue near you.

We can also hold the talk here with us in Crosby Ravensworth, where you can choose between having it indoors or pondside!

Living Soil and Compost Workshops

Sort your soil

Because Healthy Soil = Healthy Plants, Healthy Us and Healthy Planet

Choose an adaptation of this for your needs: Rewiliding? Tree Planting? Market Gardens? Home Gardens? Farms?

The workshop covers:

  • Improving soil (and plant) resilience

  • Increasing the nutrient availability in soil by building microbial life

  • Introduction to soil microbe analysis (bring a sample)

  • Biochar and other amendments

  • Practical afternoon session: Making Living Compost and maximising it through application methods.


see below for the full Microscope Workshop

Coming Soon:

  • Advanced Soil and Compost Workshop

  • Starting a Regenerative Market Garden: All the soil health, biological management, horticulture side plus the business side of things.

  • Become a Biological Soil Consultant 

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Diet and Nutrition Workshop

A better you

We look at many aspects of diet and nutriiton and focus in particular on our gut microbiome and the link between that, disease and "all causes of death bar accidents."

We then do a further workshop focusing on the brain and how to improve its longevity, slow ageing and increase cognition.


Hope, Information and Good Intentions:

How to make a difference.

A workshop that covers how to think about our regenerative  journey, actions to have results, and how to make an impression on others.


Do you know what's really great?

Working with schools to...

Help protect awe and wonder, thinking skills, and the ecological, sustainable aspects of the curriculum. 

We are running workshops for schools to teach children how to run biodiversity assessments on farms. Please get in touch to find out more.


Microscope workshop

Get to know your soil.

Two full days of teaching for £180. Ongoing support as you practise.

We will cover: how to use a microscope, how to analyse soil samples using a microscope, and how to interpret your results.


It is advisable to do the Soil and Compost workshop before doing this.


Thinking Tools and Problem Solving

Thinking skills underpin our approach to successfully navigating how we change our practices based on this new science.

We offer fun sessions, both teaching these tools and putting them into practice. 

We also have a children's version: Children's Outdoor Practical Thinking Challenges.

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Crafts and Skills

Learn how to prepare Kimchi or Sourdough, join us in making some reusable "pee pads", or pick up the skill of scything. 


Bell Tent Accomodation.

If you're travelling from further away and you'd like to stay in our Bell Tent, please get in touch.

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